Of medicine and advices.
It has been quite some time since I last posted anything in my blog. Jan 2018 is my adaptation phase in accepting the fact that I am no longer 2* years old. I feel so old. I have no big achievements yet and I am still waiting for my current ultimate dunya goal (lol) to be achieved in the upcoming July.
Guess what?
Yup. To graduate medical school with flying color and to prevent massive dissipation of basic medical knowledge while waiting for the hospital posting.
Therefore, entering 2018 has flickered some kind of uncomfortable feelings like doubt, low self- esteem or sadness of unknown origin due to my title as "FINAL YEAR MEDICAL STUDENT" yet positive thoughts keep on coming in, in between the former one. Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah, The One who has brought me up until current point. Who would've thought I could pass all of my paediatrics, obstetrics & gynaecology, psychiatry and public health rotation successfully? (Successful here, from my own definition means no need to resit for papers due to failure in the first attempt)
Knowing myself as a slow student, it was tough and challenging. But alhamdulillah Allah has given me loads of supports from many aspects.
I once had asked for advice and posted such request to my facebook timeline because at that time, I feel so hopeless and the thoughts of "I cannot do medicine/ I cannot pass final exam" always bothering me and sometimes I break down whenever I think about it. I did not expect many responses from my facebook friend because I thought, "Who cares". lol. So I just posted it for the sake of doing it la. Haha. I remembered a hadith that talked about the rights of muslims to his/her brother/sister muslims. So I wanted to proclaim my rights! Haha
Interestingly, the responses were beyond my expectations. Many people commented the post and all of it are full with positive vibes, words of wisdom and encouragement. I was so touched and I feel very contented. I feel loved. And the feeling after being advised makes me feel I am somewhat important, and it is great to know there are people outside there who are still care about you, even though they maybe far away from you. All in all, I believe it is Allah who has moved their hearts to do such thing. :') (Cries)
This is from my Facebook page.
These are the responses I received;
"Hold on. Whatever it is, just hold on. Whatever comes, hold on. I don't have any good advice since I'm weak myself. But those are what I kept on telling myself everyday"
"The mercy of Allah is an ocean. Our sins are a lump of clay clenched between the beaks of a pigeon. The pigeon is perched on a branch of a tree at the edge of the ocean. It only has to open its beaks"
"Tanamkan sifat yakin hanya kepada Allah dalam hati, keluarkan kebesaran dan kelebihan makhluq dari dalam hati, masukkan keagungan dan kekuasaan Allah dalam hati, kerana yang akan keluar di akhir hayat nanti adalah apa yang di dalam hati."
"Dont be afraid of going slow, afraid of standing still! Slow progress is better than no progress"
"smile no matter how hard, even u are broken. Coz atleast u made someone's day. Sashuuuuu I think thats ur super power! bringing sunshine to people's life
miss u!"

"Do something positive everyday"
" just do ur best and never worry about things u can't control because worrying does nothing but interfere with ur happiness"
"Life brief candle"
"always remember HIM, HE always give us what we need"
"In a world where you can be anything, be kind, always."
"Hi akak may Allah bless youu"
" You’ll be fine"
"Tajdid/refresh niat selalu Sarah, supaya setiap benda yang kita buat worth enough"
"be the best you can be, which-knowing you- is better than you'd think"
"jagalah (hak2) Allah, Allah akan menjagamu"
"كل شيء من الله خير "

"Ada kebahagiaan pada hari esok, inshaAllah.
💓Cry once, smile million times"

"Things will only get harder. You too, will become stronger. If he puts you into a situation, He will definitely put you through it."
"Setiap apa yang berlaku mesti ada hikmah dariNya. Don't ever give up! Allah tu tak kejam
🙂 He knows best"

"Count the blessings,evnthough it's countless. Ignore the tribulations eventhough it's countful"
Lovely isn't it?
I engraved these words in my blog because they are so profound to me. :)
I will open back this post re- read the advices to help me holding on with my life. Thank you all :)
I will open back this post re- read the advices to help me holding on with my life. Thank you all :)
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