Alhamdulillah. Yesterday marked the end of my posting in psychiatry (except for the next Friday where I will have extra sessions at Hospital Taiping to see and experience certain psychiatry treatment/ modalities). Anyway, Allah has brought me through all of these hectic days and times. Couldn't express how grateful I am to be able to survive and breath in those days, bi idznillah. For the past three weeks, I must say it was a time in which my strength, patient, and passion is challenged. Multifactorial causes, of course. I remembered I literally cried in front of everyone in one of the meetings I attend because of stress, fatigue and lack of self confidence. But after that I felt better. Crying is indeed one of the ways that can make you feel relax. Me, trying my hard to be happy, to feel happy with myself, my life and especially with everything that Allah has given to me, I learn that the eternal way to be and feel content with yourself is through recognition and appre...