Hentakan pertama.

Susah kan nak sabar? 

Kadang- kadang bila fikir, apa erti sabar yang sebenar? Erti pada perlakuan, bukan hanya pada kata- kata. Cakap memang senang, tapi bila bab mengamalkan, tak ramai yang berjaya. Sabar mereka hanya selepas mereka memaki- hamun, marah atau bersikap kasar kepada orang atau situasi yang menguji itu.

Sedangkan Rasulullah kata, "sabar itu pada hentakan yang pertama". 

I always wonder, what makes a man able to swallow his anger, without expressing it to others? I have tried it few times and it was tremendously challenging. To uphold and keep the anger inside your heart while some part in your brain demand it to be released, that is a hard battle. 

And that is sabr, I think. What makes me held back my anger or sorrow, though my chest feels like exploding is; Allah knows my struggle. My struggle and pain to be sabr because I do not want to spill the oil to the fire and make things worst. I know Allah is with me whenever I feel mad or dissapointed with someone or myself. But I wanted to remain calm and patience. Is not an easy task I would say.

A few days back, I did my tadabbur whenever I finished read the Al Qur'an. And Allah did mention few times in different surah and ayahs, that He is with those who has patience inside their heart in confronting problems (generally). 

I tried to relate sabr with Rasulullah. Rasullulah is the most patience man in this world I would say. I cannot imagine myself being thrown with stones, feces and trash just because of da'wah; preaching people to worship Allah. Rasullulah did not even force them, but why they treated him so badly? I literally cried when I read about the story in Taif. I mean, how come he has the strength to be patience, to not to have revenge against them?

Then I think, he can be patience because of Allah. He knows that if he is in control of his anger, Allah will give him rewards. And maybe because he is simply the prophet Rasulullah SAW. I learnt new lessons from him and the sahabah regarding sabr.

Firstly, we can be patience if we know reasons to control our anger. Secondly, we have to know how to channel the anger. It is not easy tho. We might have to practice it. Patience is a characteristic that must be shaped. It won't come out of nowhere. Thirdly, Allah is looking at us, and our struggles. He knows we are struggling to keep and swallow the anger because of Him. 

The strong reason to be and remain patience is Allah. Nothing else. Allah's rewards are promising. Whenever you feel like giving up with yourself or other people, let's think this way; Allah never give up with us despite of our tonnes and piles of sins we comitted everyday. 

Ps: Esok exam final semester di Dublin. My last exams in Dublin before I leave this beautiful home of mine to Malaysia. Sad? Yeah, a bit. :(
I wanted to write more but, hey I have exams tomorrow yeay! 😪


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